Women seeking breast reduction surgery often have back and shoulder pain. Large breasts also often interfere with exercise. As a measure, is very similar to . The difference is that in resection surgery, the skin is mainly removed, while during reduction surgery, glandular tissue is also removed, explains the ...

There are events that change people's lives and even more so if they leave a mark. Burns, especially those that leave scars on the face, can aggravate the patient's psychological situation and affect his self-esteem. That is why there are currently many treatments and surgeries responsible for removing burn scars that are effective and give peop...

Gynecomastia is a condition that affects both men and women. It is caused by an excess of male hormones, or androgens, in the body. This can lead to the development of masculine features such as enlarged breasts and a deepened voice. What are the Symptoms of Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is a condition in which there is an...

Obesity is an increasingly widespread disease internationally, which arises for reasons of a behavioral, alimentary, genetic, psychological nature or often due to the sharing of the aspects listed above. Its negative effects on the health of patients are known, favoring the onset of other related diseases and seriously impacting the quality...

Weakened connective tissue during pregnancy and sagging skin after weight loss do not always regenerate and are greatly influenced by structural features and age. A hanging abdomen can not only cause aesthetic frustration, but can also make sports uncomfortable, make it difficult to dress, and cause self-esteem problems. provides an opportunity to...