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Can you have an allergy to semen?

There are no exact data about the prevalence of allergy to semen. This is because it is a little-known pathology and similar to other conditions. It is important to inform yourself about it, since this condition can become very serious. Semen allergy is a rare health problem, but it is very likely to be underdiagnosed. For one thing, not eve...

Premature orgasm also occurs in women, look at these data

Orgasm is considered "early" when it occurs earlier than anticipated, cannot be controlled, and causes discomfort. Although not well known, it also occurs in women. Premature orgasm also occurs in women, although it is not very common or studied, unlike what happens in men, called premature ejaculation, which is common and widely studied. Ac...

Fear of sexual intercourse? Solutions to deal with sex phobia

Can't find the time to have sex? Are you looking for excuses because you are tired or tired? Do you force yourself so as not to make your partner feel bad? Do you have too many things in your head and you do not concentrate? Is your sex not as wonderful as the media shows you? Do you think sex is not for you? Has it been happening to you for...

Sex Supplement. Learn Everything In This Post!

Routine, tiredness, stress, depression, hormonal disorder, etc. At any age, many factors can alter the sex life and harmony of a relationship. Whether it's a decrease in libido or erectile dysfunction, know that there are solutions to help you regain a satisfying sexuality. Check out about sexual supplement suggested by ,...

How Is Sexual Equality And Orgasms In Your Relationships?

In your relationships, how is this "scale" going, are you both reaching sexual climax or is it not the way you would like? This is a question that women should always ask themselves, and discuss it with their partners. My New Column On The Spiced Blog Structurally we grew up hearing that sex, pleasure, orgasm is “fo...

Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction

Risk factors The one between diabetes and erectile dysfunction is a long-known pairing, confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. It is precisely the statistical data that tell us that: the erectile deficit is three times more frequent in the diabetic patient than in the healthy control population...

Factors involved in sexual dysfunction

The diversity and richness that characterize sexuality make it one of the areas of the person where more variety is appreciated. Within the field of sexuality, one of the main problems that can appear is sexual dysfunction. They are understood as a group of heterogeneous disorders characterized by a clinically significant alteration in the ability...

Sexual changes in men after 40

The sexual changes in men or the decrease in sexual potency, after this age, cause the man to gradually devalue himself because he is perceived as different and even less of a man. Men experience many physical and psychological changes after the age of 40. These changes make the man perceive that he has diminished his sexual potency. Over tim...

What are the conventional ways to treat low testosterone in men?

When a man gets a consultation from a  after complaining of symptoms related to low testosterone, the doctor will likely order some tests to be done. These tests will help the  determine the man's current levels of testosterone in his bloodstream, as well as rule out any other potential causes for the partic...

Erectile dysfunction can indicate severe trouble

Did you know that erectile dysfunction can be the first symptom of an unrecognized cardiovascular disease? The explanation lies in the fact that erectile dysfunction (hereinafter referred to as ED) and vascular disease are a number of common risk factors (eg smoking, hypertension, diabetes, blood lipid disorders, alcohol abuse.). The connec...
