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7 things that happen to you when you are no longer happy in your relationship

Communication is key in a couple. If you don't have the confidence to tell each other your problems and what ails you, it is possible that the spark has already gone out. Having a partner relationship can make us feel complete and motivated to face each of the challenges that life throws at us on a daily basis. That as long as that "spark" of lo...

Low Sexual Desire At 20

It is believed that young people are those who enjoy a full and vigorous sexual life, but warns that every day it is more common to find problems of low sexual desire at 20, why? The factors can be many, but if they are not addressed, there could be irreversible consequences in sexual healt...

Does being imposing nullify my virility?

Impotence or  is a disorder that men do not recognize in public. On many occasions he keeps it in his "secret chest" especially with other men, since usually and due to general ignorance he is a source of ridicule or laughter in this type of environment. Friends easily make fun of this situation without realizing that they can...

8 Warning Signs That Show Your Testosterone Level Is Low

Sign of Low Testosterone Level: After the age of 30, the testosterone level in men can be somewhat low, but this is not a problem, but if your testosterone level becomes too low, it can cause many symptoms and can interfere with your daily life, overall health and relationships. Testosterone In Men: The conversa...

Get these 4 medical tests done by your partner before marriage

Get these 4 medical tests done by your partner before marriage, otherwise there may be problems in married life later After the marriage is fixed, every person tries to get to know his partner well - be it their habits, characteristics, likes, dislikes etc. Along with this, it is also important that you know about the medical status of your part...

How (and why) to do a sexual reset

Sometimes life can become a constant schedule, especially in these times when the boundaries between private and work have become more complex. Sticking to a schedule of work goals can work, but it's very different when it comes to sticking to the sex we may be missing out on in this demanding routine. That is why the Dr P K Gupta...

My partner is a premature ejaculator, what can I do to help him?

Ask With my partner we have been together for 15 years and we have always had a good connection in bed and we have overcome marital crises. However, lately he has started to avoid me sexually because he has started to ejaculate prematurely. Every time I broach the subject with him he tells me he doesn't want to talk and...

Erection Problems Are Cause For Divorce

Erectile dysfunction is one of the leading causes of divorce worldwide. It may not be the direct cause, but erection problems generate secondary effects that follow each other as a chain reaction: fear of infidelity, insecurity, lack of understanding, fights, lack of desire, serious psychological damage and, o...

How to recover the sexual desire lost with the pandemic

When the relationship is 'deserotized': how to recover the sexual desire lost with the pandemic The coronavirus has confined us, it has made us feel vulnerable and it has made it difficult for us to venture what the future will be like. With this percale, how do we keep the desire for sex? Let's go for a year of pandemic. By now, we've...

The three tests to know if you are sexually incompatible with someone

Few couples would file for divorce due to sexual incompatibility. However, if we better understand this concept and its consequences, perhaps the ruptures would be less painful, dramatic, without victims and executioners, and even friendly. In my erotic life I have discovered that the sexual dimension is very different from the affective or fri...
