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Collagen and joints: reasons to include it in the diet

Collagen and joints: reasons to include it in the diet

  • October 18, 2022

About 30 percent of the body’s proteins are collagen, a molecule found in skin, cartilage, and connective tissues. As we age, collagen production decreases and this has consequences for our body, which is why experts recommend including it in the diet.

Although collagen is fundamentally known as a component of creams and cosmetic products that help delay the loss of skin elasticity and increase its smoothness, the truth is that taking collagen is also related to joints and diseases such as osteoarthritis.

In fact, Dr Ashu Consul, Best Orthopaedic in Delhi, ​​points out that numerous in vitro and in vivo scientific studies have shown that collagen intake stimulates the synthesis of type II collagen, proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, which translates in that it helps increase bone mineral density.

The expert indicates that the administration of collagen also maintains the flexibility and lubrication of the joints and favors the optimal conservation of cartilage. “Several clinical studies show that incorporating collagen into the diet helps reduce joint pain and improve joint functionality in patients with osteoarthritis,” adds Dr Consul.

Collagen in the day to day

Regarding the amount that is necessary to take to obtain benefits, Dr Ashu indicates that it has been shown that there are therapeutic benefits with 10 grams per day.

We can mainly find it in three types of food:

  • Meat: tripe, snouts, cow feet, pig trotters or bone broths, among others, are rich in protein and collagen.
  • Fish: although the percentage of collagen in fish is lower, compared to meat, they also have a significant amount of this protein, specifically in the scales.
  • Gelatin: Gelatin has almost 90 percent of the protein in collagen; It is also low in calories.

“It is true that it is difficult to consume these products on a regular basis,” warns Dr Consul. “For this reason, an alternative is to take food supplements that allow you to take the daily dose easily and comfortably and include it in the daily routine, such as at breakfast.”

Among the people who should consume collagen, the expert points out three segments:

  • Women: Women are more likely to experience joint discomfort throughout their lives due to, among other factors, hormonal changes. For example, after pregnancy or during menopause. “84 percent of menopausal women have joint problems due to declining estrogen,” he explains.
  • Athletes: There are millions of athletes in India and 33 percent have joint pain.
  • Active life: 40 percent of the population between 45-65 years old have joint problems.

“You must always follow your doctor’s recommendation and look for collagen that has effective and scientifically proven ingredients. They are often combined with other products that can help enrich collagen such as hyaluronic acid and mucopolysaccharides”, orthopedic in Delhi concludes.

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