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Do You Know what are the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Do You Know what are the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

  • January 12, 2022

Do You Know what are the Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Lets start by the beginning! Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are known in different ways: sexually transmitted infections or STIs, and in English they are recognized as STDs, sexual transmission diseases.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that the STI are transmitted from one person to another through sexual activity, which can be vaginal, oral or anal.


According to the best sexologist in Delhi, there are about 20 different types of STDs and among the most common sexually transmitted infections are:

8 Chlamydia

The chlamydia infection is a common STD that can infect both men and women. It can cause serious and permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system and make it more difficult or impossible for her to become pregnant in the future. Chlamydial infection can also lead to a life-threatening ectopic (outside the uterus) pregnancy.

There is good news, chlamydia infection can be cured with the correct treatment. If you already have this diagnosis, take the medications that the sex specialist in Delhi prescribed and you will soon be able to stop the infection and reduce the likelihood that you will have complications in the future. Be careful, medicines against chlamydia infection should not be shared with anyone.

7 Genital herpes

The genital herpes is caused by the virus herpes simplex. It can generate sores in the genital area, rectal, buttocks and thighs. The sores usually appear near the area where the virus entered the body. These blisters break and become painful, then heal. Attention! The virus can be spread even when the sores are not present and also, mothers can infect their babies during childbirth.

On the other hand, keep in mind that there is no cure for genital herpes. The virus remains in your body forever, however, medicines can help decrease symptoms, reduce flare-ups, and lower the risk of spreading it to others.

6 Human papilloma virus

There is a very common group of viruses that are known as the human papillomavirus. They usually do not cause problems in people, but some types of these viruses can cause genital difficulties or trigger cervical cancer. However, do not panic because this disease is easy to prevent with a vaccine that should be given to both girls and boys.

On the other hand, keep in mind that many of these viruses affect the mouth, throat or genital area because they are very easy to transmit, they do not require penetration. How can you acquire them? Through direct contact with the genitals, by sharing sex toys, or during vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

5 Gonorrhea

We reached the fifth common sexually transmitted disease among patients diagnosed with an STI.

The Gonorrhea is easy to treat but can generate, sometimes, permanent complications. It is caused by the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae and can be passed from mother to baby during childbirth.

If not treated early, gonorrhea can increase a person’s risk of acquiring or transmitting the human immunodeficiency virus. In addition, in women it can end in pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancies or even infertility. Complications in men with gonorrhea include epididymitis (an inflammation of the tube that carries sperm) and also infertility.

It’s Not Just These, There Are Still 4 Other Common STDs

4 Hepatitis B

The Hepatitis B is a viral infection that causes inflammation, damage to the liver and can also affect other organs. The hepatitis B virus is spread through contact with the blood, semen, or other body fluids of an infected person.

If you want to avoid this sexually transmitted disease, you can get vaccinated against hepatitis B. And if you definitely already have hepatitis B, you can take steps to avoid transmitting this disease to other people, such as not donating blood, organs or tissues.

3 Syphilis

The Syphilis is spread through direct contact with wounds or lesions that are part of the infection. A pregnant woman with syphilis can pass the disease to her fetus through the placenta or during birth.

You need to know that the first symptoms of this sexually transmitted disease appear approximately ten to twenty days after sexual contact with the infected person. You should also keep in mind that there is no natural immunity against syphilis, therefore, a previous infection does not protect the patient.

2 Tricomoniasis

This sexually transmitted disease (STD) is caused by the protozoan parasite, called Trichomonas vaginalis. Symptoms can vary, indeed, most men and women who have the parasite do not know they are infected.

Sexologist in Delhi suggests to watch out for this, men! If they have trichomoniasis, they may feel itchy or irritated inside the penis, have some discharge, or feel burning after urinating or ejaculating. In the case of women, they may notice itching, burning, redness or pain in the genitals, discomfort when urinating, or a clear discharge with an unusual odor that can be clear, white, yellowish or greenish.

Hmm, it is definitely better to treat trichomoniasis because otherwise it can cause discomfort when having sex and the infection can last for months and even years.

We Come To The Close of This List!


This is a much talked about STD… it is the most advanced stage of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, which is what we know as AIDS.

HIV destroys the cells of the immune system, causing a progressive deterioration of the body’s defenses. Without treatment, HIV infection can last without symptoms for five to 10 years.

This virus can be transmitted by contact with breast milk, blood, semen, or vaginal secretions of infected people. This is very important information: it is not possible to be infected through kisses, hugs or handshakes or by sharing personal objects, bathrooms, gyms, food or drinks, or by mosquito bites.

With this clarification, we come to the end of this journey, remember that sexually transmitted diseases usually do not present symptoms in their initial stages and therefore, constant check-ups with sexologist doctor in Delhi are essential. Also, do not forget to take the appropriate preventive measures, such as vaccinations, use of condoms, having only one sexual partner or practicing abstention.

Oh, and remember that when it comes to sexuality, Dr P K Gupta sexologist in Delhi is a trusted name.

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