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Factors involved in sexual dysfunction

Factors involved in sexual dysfunction

  • April 29, 2022

The diversity and richness that characterize sexuality make it one of the areas of the person where more variety is appreciated. Within the field of sexuality, one of the main problems that can appear is sexual dysfunction. They are understood as a group of heterogeneous disorders characterized by a clinically significant alteration in the ability to respond sexually or to experience sexual pleasure.

According to the best sexologist in Delhi, the most prevalent sexual dysfunctions in women are anorgasmia and inhibited sexual desire; while, in men, erection disorder and premature ejaculation predominate. But in addition to these dysfunctions, there are many others such as delayed ejaculation, hypoactive sexual desire in men, genitopelvic pain disorder, sexual dysfunction due to substance use, etc.

What causes sexual dysfunction?

The data indicate that psychosocial factors explain the majority of sexual dysfunctions (90-95%), and that, in general, there are several causes underlying these problems. Therefore, reducing sexuality to the sphere of the biological would be making a big mistake.

It is true that the sexual response has a series of basic biological requirements, but this behavior develops within a context in which biological, psychological and sociocultural factors interact. People are social beings, and this characteristic means that sexuality is shaped by a large number of factors that cannot be reduced to mere biological instinct.

There are numerous ways to classify the factors that affect this type of problem related to sexuality, in this article sexologist in Delhi classifies them into 4 main areas: personal, sexual, couple and sociocultural.

Personal area

When we are faced with a sexual dysfunction, attending to personal factors is going to be essential to be able to frame the problem. At this point, there are a series of aspects that predispose to the appearance of this type of problem, such as: a very restrictive sexual education, the existence of early sexual experiences of an aversive nature, the presence of insecurity in the psychosexual role in the early years etc.

On the other hand, there are factors that precipitate the appearance of the problem, such as the age of the subject, experiencing a sporadic failure, the presence of other mental disorders (depression, anxiety, addictions), the reaction to some organic disease, etc.

Also, there are aspects that encourage the maintenance of the problem, such as: a deteriorated self-image, maladaptive cognitions related to feelings of guilt, anticipation of failure, fear of intimacy, negative attitudes regarding sexual behavior, etc.

If any of these factors occur, at first it will be important for the person to learn to understand the problem in rational, functional and non-negative terms, providing an adequate explanation of its causes. It will also be necessary to encourage responsibility and a positive attitude of the person to promote change. It will also be important to work on creating constructive lifestyles that facilitate the person’s general functioning, suggests sexologist doctor in Delhi.

The sexual area

When we are faced with a sexual dysfunction, exploring this area will become the main focus. Here it is important to take into account both the sexual information that the person has and their behavioral repertoire, since some of the factors that most often appear are: having inadequate sexual information and education, the presence of sexual myths that move away from the reality, possessing with an inadequate repertoire of interaction, devoting insufficient time to sexual foreplay, etc.

Educational work on the sphere of sexuality is going to be fundamental at this point, says sex specialist in Delhi. Giving the person access to appropriate sexual material and information will help promote a change in their inappropriate attitudes and behaviors to more functional ones. In those cases in which there is anxiety related to sexuality, you can work on exposing the person to this type of situation, here it may be important to have the collaboration of your partner, if you have one, to act as a co-therapist. Depending on the characteristics of each particular case, the problem will be addressed with different indications and specific sexual techniques will be used.

The couple area

The field of sexuality is also influenced by interpersonal aspects, and therefore, attending to the area of ​​the couple can give us a lot of information. It has been shown that there are a number of interpersonal factors that can interfere with sexual response, such as: poor communication in the couple, the way they express affection, the presence of general problems that may be affecting the relationship, the degree of stability of the couple, a lack of attraction towards the couple, the presence of sexual dysfunction in the couple, the way in which each of the members perceives the problem, etc.

Here, it will be important to focus the work on improving communication and the relationship between the members of the couple, both on a personal and sexual level. It will also be essential to have the collaboration and joint work of both members, also working on aspects related to sexual education, says top sexologist in Delhi.

Sociocultural factors

The sociocultural context is of great importance in the sexuality of the person. On numerous occasions, one of the factors related to sexual problems are those that have to do with inadequate sexual education full of “sexual myths” and popular beliefs, the vast majority of which are erroneous, as well as exposure to unrealistic role models that make these problems appear, etc.

Here the work is going to be of a more social type, promoting sex education campaigns in schools, workshops for parents, taking care of information from the media, etc. These are variables that can help society to have role models and more realistic information about sexuality, says sexologist in Delhi.


Sexuality is one of the most complex dimensions of the person and where there is more variety since it is influenced by numerous factors. Therefore, reducing sexual problems to a single cause would be a mistake.

Taking into account the different areas of the person and knowing how they may be causing sexual dysfunction will help us work on each of them. Despite the existence of common factors, each person is unique and when working we must avoid generalities and make a global and individual approach to each case, explains sexologist in Noida.

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