The Fundamental Role of Plastic Surgery in Healing The Outcomes of Obesity
- January 20, 2022
Obesity is an increasingly widespread disease internationally, which arises for reasons of a behavioral, alimentary, genetic, psychological nature or often due to the sharing of the aspects listed above.
Its negative effects on the health of patients are known, favoring the onset of other related diseases and seriously impacting the quality of life and health.
Every patient suffering from severe obesity is a subject who, in order to start an effective healing process, must be assessed individually by a professional who is able first of all to identify the real cause of the problem, in order to be able to deal with it with the right means.
Dealing with obesity is not easy.
The first support to overcome the problem is usually provided by the figure of the Nutritionist, who accompanies the patient through a path of food education that requires time and perseverance.
A complicated path whose success is by no means taken for granted and which, moreover, is not applicable indiscriminately for all patients.
In fact, the most serious cases of Obesity require the support of the Bariatric Surgeon Specialized in Interventions on the gastrointestinal system including Sleeve Gastrectomy or Stomach Bandage.
This Operation reduces the biological need for food intake in the patient and causes a consequent decrease in the body’s fat mass over time, a sort of induced diet that facilitates weight loss when it is not possible to do so naturally.
And this process is over and Plastic Surgeon in Jammu takes over in the healing process, when the weight loss is now evident, stable and missing only one last step.
At this level it is essential to resolve the inevitable negative and functional aesthetic consequences due to such an important weight loss.
The main problem now becomes the laxity of the tissues which, following important weight loss, appear in excess and redundant.
In fact, the skin has a limited elastic capacity, which means that once expanded it can no longer be reabsorbed in a natural way by the body, with very serious aesthetic and functional consequences.
The abdominal areas, the thighs, the arms and in the female patients the breasts are totally emptied by weight loss and Plastic Surgery is the only possible tool to solve this situation.
Now let’s deepen the topic.
The Relationship between Patient and Plastic Surgeon
Once the treatment process is finished, the figure of the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi is immediately inserted, a very important role since the strong weight loss suffered by an Obese patient has not only aesthetic consequences, but purely functional ones.
A patient who with great efforts and sacrifices manages to solve a serious problem such as obesity, finds himself at the end of the path often faced with a second important aesthetic obstacle to be solved, which has an equally important weight on his quality of life.
The Consequences of Weight Loss and Possible Surgical Interventions
As already mentioned, the main aesthetic problem arises due to the limited elastic capacity of the skin.
This once expanded due to the significant increase in fat mass, when the adipose tissue is reduced due to weight loss, it remains extremely loose especially in the abdominal districts, in the lower limbs, in the arms and breasts of women.
For this reason, the interventions usually proposed by plastic surgeon in Chandigarh according to individual cases may be the following.
Abdominoplasty in Delhi is the main and most effective intervention that allows you to firm the skin of the abdominal area, to reshape the lower abdomen and redefine the waistline.
It allows the reduction of the abdominal apron in excess which can become a big problem on several levels, for hygiene, walking, back and a series of important consequences, recreating a flat, compact and elastic abdomen.
The surgery involves a supra-pubic incision that continues laterally towards the iliac crests and an incision that falls inside the navel.
In this way the skin and excess fat between the pubis and the navel is removed by removing the stretch marks that may be present in this area and any scars caused by previous operations.
Biological price is an overpubic scar that can easily be covered by a slip or boxer shorts for men.
The operation lasts about 90 minutes and involves a night of hospitalization, while the recovery lasts about 2-3 weeks, where the patient must remain at rest and wear a compression sheath that reduces edema and swelling.
The lifting of the arms, technically defined brachioplasty in Delhi, is the intervention that allows to eliminate the excess skin tissue from the inside of the arms, restoring elasticity and tone to the arms and obtaining a rejuvenation of the profile in this area.
This surgery involves incisions in the armpit and along the inner part of the arm, for a more or less long stretch depending on the type of correction needed.
Through these incisions an area of skin and dermal-adipose layer is removed in order to eliminate the excess. The tone of the fabrics is thus restored and wrinkles and roughness are eliminated.
The surgery involves scars corresponding to the incisions described; these scars can be more or less evident; they can possibly be improved at a later time by means of specific treatments.
In the phase following the surgery, maximum rest is recommended for about 24 or 48 hours and it is advisable to limit the use of the arms for at least 10 days after surgery to avoid excessive traction on surgical wounds in the process of healing.
This surgery is the ideal answer to the problems of flaccidity of the tissues and the accumulation of fat on the inner face of the thighs.
This procedure involves incisions that start from the groin region and reach the inner face of the root of the thighs.
Through these accesses we proceed to the detachment of the skin, the lifting of the same and the elimination of the excess.
The scars following the surgery are quite extensive and lighten after about 6 or 8 months.
After 15/20 days it is possible to resume normal social activities, while to practice sports it will be necessary to wait for complete healing and therefore about a month.
Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that allows the breast to be lifted, compacted and, if necessary, filled using either a self-prosthesis with excess tissue or a breast prosthesis.
The Biological Price is an Inverted T-shaped scar involving the areola, from the Areola to the Mammary Furrow and along the mammary sulcus, more evident than that of a Breast Augmentation, but which tends to become very clear and almost indistinguishable from the skin natural.
A month after the operation it is already possible to notice a good result, which gradually improves until the eighth month when the scars fade and the skin of the operated area regains softness.
Concluding study
These are the four most commonly requested interventions since they have a very important aesthetic and functional impact on the quality of life of patients, with psychological consequences on them that should not be underestimated.
These interventions are not at all light compared to others, scars are important and the healing process must be approached very carefully, especially as regards the treatment of scars and their natural restoration.