Did you know that in India there are more than 50% of men over the age of 40 suffer from erectile dysfunction? Of these, only 12% undergo some type of therapy or procedure to solve the problem.
Given these data, perhaps it is worth delving into the reasons that lead Indian men to deal with their sexual health in this way. Also, at the end of this article, we will review some essential tips to successfully deal with erectile dysfunction.
How Do Men Deal With Erectile Dysfunction?
According to the latest study on men’s health, Indian men maintain a somewhat paradoxical relationship with everything related to sexual health.
Although nine out of ten respondents consider sexual health to be a fundamental part of their general health status, practically a third of those affected by this sexual problem claim to have taken more than two years to see a medical specialist to deal with erectile dysfunction.
On the other hand, the Internet is positioned as the first source of information on dysfunction for men. Sometimes the only source.
The results of the survey shows that only 25% of men choose to visit the best sexologist in Delhi to consult their problem as their first option. It is precisely this last factor that generates a tremendous and overwhelming sense of misinformation. Something completely detrimental to the affected.
And Their Partners?
Curious as it may seem, and despite the impression that social networks, the Internet and television may give, up to 32% of men who suffer from impotence do not seek support from their partners. For this 32% of men, dysfunction is perceived as a personal problem that they can take care of themselves and without outside help. A perception that, in most cases, is wrong.
What Happens When Facial Dysfunctions Are Not Addressed?
As in almost all medical situations, it happens that the earlier the attention received, the sooner a solution to the problem can be found. If men with dysfunction delay their diagnosis and treatment, they hinder their potential cure, warns sexologist in Delhi.
About 78% of men with sexual dysfunction feel guilty or upset with themselves when they obviously shouldn’t.
Almost certainly, this happens largely because of that first search for information online. And it is that, faced with so many articles, infographics, videos, forums, etc., the patient may think that the origin of their problems is psychological when it is not, or they may even attribute it to a supposed decline in their relationship.
The reality, on the other hand, throws very different data on the origin of this condition. Most dysfunctions are caused by unhealthy lifestyle habits and/or hormonal imbalances.
In addition to these problems derived from non-acceptance and misinformation, there is the problem generated by the feeling of guilt and self-imposed shame due to wounded pride: the couple’s relationship is affected.
Tips For Coping With Erectile Dysfunction
Once the patient suspects that he may be suffering from some ailment of sexual characteristics (premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, etc.), there are a series of tips and recommendations on how to act to deal with erectile dysfunction and guarantee a solution.
Run Some Preliminary Tests On Your Own
If this is the first time you have suffered a trigger, an episode of premature ejaculation or erectile incapacity, our advice is to remain calm. Do not get upset and remind yourself that it is the first time that it has never happened before. Think about whether there may be some specific condition that has affected your performance: a bad day or a stress spell, an argument with your partner, having ingested large amounts of alcohol or not having rested enough, for example.
In this first phase, it may be helpful to carry out the following tests to get an idea of your situation:
Erectile Function Index Test. It will help you find out, in less than 5 minutes, if you suffer from any type of dysfunction and to what degree.
Visit A Specialist Doctor
Whether it happens to you for the second time or if the results of the previous tests indicate that you suffer from some type of dysfunction or hormonal deficiency, it is time to go to the sexologist in Delhi.
You can go to your family doctor and have him refer you to a specialist, or you can go directly to a doctor specializing in male sexual health, such as Dr P K Gupta sex specialist in Delhi.
When you go to your appointment, it would be interesting if you took the test results with you to discuss them with the top sexologist in Delhi.
Seek Support
You wouldn’t feel guilty or embarrassed about having a cold or meningitis, right? So why feel this way when you have erectile dysfunction? Seek support from your partner and face the problem together without taboos.
Remember that recognizing the problem is an important first step. Arrange a visit with the sexologist doctor in Delhi is an even more important step that, in addition, puts you on the path to the solution. Addressing erectile dysfunction as a couple is always a guarantee of success.
Now that you know how Indians deal with sexual problems and that you have these tips to deal with erectile dysfunction, you can act accordingly, knowing what is best for your well-being.
Do not wait more, visit best sexologist in Noida. Give your health the importance it deserves.