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Types of Breast Surgery and Advantages

Types of Breast Surgery and Advantages

  • March 30, 2022

What types of breast operations are there?

There are two aesthetic procedures that help improve the appearance of the chest: breast augmentation and mastopexy, which enhances its shape. Both can also be combined to achieve the results of both in a single intervention, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi.

In this way, you can choose to:

  • get the size we want
  • correct sagging breasts
  • increase the size and raise the breasts, together

In short, it is about achieving the chest that suits the needs of each person.

What are these techniques? What advantages do they have? How is the postoperative? Plastic Surgeon in Delhi will tell you everything you need to know about this aesthetic treatment.

Types of breast surgeries and their benefits

There are several aesthetic treatments focused on the appearance of the breasts:

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation in Delhi is the queen operation and the most performed in the world. It consists of placing a silicone implant in order to increase the volume of the breast. Regardless of the scar we leave, a breast enlargement in Delhi will always create a pocket to house the prosthesis. This pocket can be in front (subfascial) or behind the pectoralis muscle, says the Plastic Surgeon in Rohini.

Depending on the approach route used, we have three types of breast augmentation in Delhi:

Breast augmentation with axillary scar

It is our favorite because the scar is completely hidden in the hollow of the armpit. You have to fully raise your arm so that it can be seen and in the long term it is negligible and will look like a normal armpit fold.

It is true that at first the scar pulls a little but with stretching it will resolve in 3 or 4 weeks. Sometimes it can become pigmented and require additional laser treatments, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Rohini.

Breast augmentation with submammary scar

The scar will be hidden in the submammary fold, so that the volume itself and the natural fall of the breast will hide it.

As with the axillary route, we do not touch the gland since in both cases we reach the pectoralis major muscle behind the breast tissue, says the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

The approach through the inframammary fold is very popular. It is usually a good scar although occasionally a hypertrophic or keloid scar can form. If the implant is removed in the future, the breast will return to its original site and the scar will be one two centimeters lower than the submammary fold, leaving it exposed, explains the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

Breast augmentation with areolar scar

The scar is just on the edge of the areola, in the lower half. Normally it leaves a very minimal scar that can also be micropigmented and hidden after a year, says the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Nor can it be done if the areola is very small.

The areolar route is especially indicated in cases such as tuberous breasts, in which the areola is usually large and must be reduced, says the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.


In sagging breasts, it is necessary to remove skin and that is when a mastopexy or Breast Lift Surgery in Delhi is indicated. In this case, the continent (the skin) and the content (the mammary gland) must be worked on. Depending on how sagging the breast is and the excess skin, Plastic Surgeon in Delhi will need a cut only around the areola (periareolar), vertical (around the areola and from the areola to the fold) or T-shaped (the former plus a scar in the submammary fold). Regarding volume, we can use a breast implant in Delhi if there is not enough breast tissue. Or the tissue itself together with grafts of its own fat, if there is a breast to do it, says the cosmetic surgeon in Pitampura.

Breast asymmetries

Although in 80% of women both breasts are not the same, in some cases this difference is greater. Breast asymmetry surgery combines various techniques (breast augmentation with breast implant in Delhi, mastopexy, breast augmentation in Delhi with own fat, breast reduction in Delhi) to solve it.

Breast reduction surgery in Delhi

Through various techniques that usually leave a T-shaped or vertical scar, the breast is reduced. Excess tissue is removed and the breast is reshaped to leave it with the right size and in its correct position, says the cosmetic surgeon in Delhi.

What is the postoperative care?

It is not extraordinarily difficult. The first 2 or 3 days are usually the most uncomfortable and that is when we will need the most analgesia. After 4-5 days we stop driving and many patients can go back to work, unless their work is very physical.

After 48 hours it is possible to shower. You have to wear a sports bra all day and night as it is what helps the scar implant in its correct position.

You cannot do physical exercise during the first month, suggests the Plastic Surgeon in Shalimar Bagh.

Caring for a scar after breast augmentation surgery

Until we remove the stitches after 10 days, we just have to keep the wound clean. You can shower (not bath) and apply a little antiseptic. The wounds are then covered with protective gauze.

Once the stitches have been removed, a scar cream can be used. The main objective of these creams is the hydration of the scar, in addition to the anti-inflammatory properties of its components.

Silicone gels or silicone patches are indicated to avoid and prevent the formation of keloid scars. They don’t always have to be used. You have to wait until the scar is formed because if there are stitches, the wound can open. Once they begin to be used, they must be worn 24 hours a day for 3 to 4 months. It is advisable to wait to put them on until the Plastic Surgeon in Delhi tells you to.

On the other hand, the scar should be protected from the sun during the first few months. The risk of not doing so is hyperpigmentation, which is very difficult to treat. Therefore, high protection creams (total screen) must be used.

The scars usually take between a year and a year and a half to whiten. So, you have to have patience and persistence in its care, keeping it hydrated, suggests the Plastic Surgeon in Pitampura.

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